Its a strange feeling having your own blog, I feel a little vulnerable haha. Oh wells just got to put yourself out there I guess. Decided to start a blog from pure boredom, I read them religiously and thought hey I should do this... so here I am.
Went to fashion weekend last week in Sydney and love love loved it! Could have spend every last penny I had if I wasn’t careful. I ended up getting a skirt, blazer, belt, top and necklace for $180!
I think my favourite thing was this necklace from
Zoemou (but in black) got it for $35...bargin!

Went out to dinner last night for my friends bday, so much fun.
I wore..
♥ Sass Trisha Stud Shoulder Knit♥ Jayjays skinny jeans
♥ Zu sparkly silver heels
♥ Cotton on white singlet
♥ Vintage white clutch
Bride's Bouquet on nails
Hope you all had a fab weekend.
Bring on tomorrow!